EADP Kicks Off the Yemen Chapter of the Solar Water Project
Contaminated water and a lack of infrastructure have caused history’s largest Cholera outbreak in Yemen. Moreover, the fuel shortage in Yemen has made diesel-powered water pumping infeasible in many places.
EADP has therefore kicked off a new collaboration with the ‘Points of Light’ award recipient and Goldman Sachs Gives Analyst Impact Fund winner, Pakistani-British N.G.O. Bond e Shams. They developed the OASIS box, which has been providing communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sudan with clean, solar-powered water. The unique device is a high-tech water-pumping and filtration station equipped with solar panels and custom-tailored filters. It pumps, cleans, and stores water using smart technology and can be operated remotely. More than 50,000 people on two continents already rely on water from the box, which runs on the energy-water nexus. Compared with other solutions, OASIS does not emit any CO2, needs almost no maintenance, and is resilient against gun shelling and attacks.
Our work will start with the group of three villages in rural Ibb. Our partners and we are customising an OASIS box which will supply 5,000 litres of fresh water daily and help 600 families obtain a better life. Moreover, the project will set a nationwide example of how distributed, smart, and clean technologies can help Yemen’s population.
The project will require $US 15,000, of which EADP, Bondh e Shams, and their funders have already gathered $US 8,000. Become part of our mission and help us bring clean water to the residents of Ibb.
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