New EADP White Paper Provides a Unique Analysis of Yemen’s Solar Revolution
October 9, 2019
Solar Cooking Project Offers New Chances for Improving Resilience in Rural Yemen
December 3, 2020
Children looking for water in Sana'a ©, Oleg Znamenskiy
Bondh e Shams water experts in front of an OASIS box. © Bondh e Shams

EADP Kicks Off the Yemen Chapter of the Solar Water Project‎

Contaminated water and a lack of infrastructure have caused history’s largest Cholera outbreak in ‎Yemen. Moreover, the fuel shortage in Yemen has made diesel-powered water pumping infeasible ‎in many places. ‎

EADP has therefore kicked off a new collaboration with the ‘Points of Light’ award recipient and ‎Goldman Sachs Gives Analyst Impact Fund winner, Pakistani-British N.G.O. Bond e Shams. They ‎developed the OASIS box, which has been providing communities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and ‎Sudan with clean, solar-powered water. The unique device is a high-tech water-pumping and ‎filtration station equipped with solar panels and custom-tailored filters. It pumps, cleans, and ‎stores water using smart technology and can be operated remotely. More than 50,000 people on ‎two continents already rely on water from the box, which runs on the energy-water nexus. ‎Compared with other solutions, OASIS does not emit any CO2, needs almost no maintenance, ‎and is resilient against gun shelling and attacks. ‎

Our work will start with the group of three villages in rural Ibb. Our partners and we are ‎customising an OASIS box which will supply 5,000 litres of fresh water daily and help 600 ‎families obtain a better life. Moreover, the project will set a nationwide example of how ‎distributed, smart, and clean technologies can help Yemen’s population. ‎

The project will require $US 15,000, of which EADP, Bondh e Shams, and their funders have ‎already gathered $US 8,000. Become part of our mission and help us bring clean water to the ‎residents of Ibb.‎

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