EADP Organises the Symposium “Decentralised Energy Systems in the Arab World – Challenges and ‎Chances”‎
October 28, 2017
Solar Fruit Drying Gives New Hope to Women’s Initiative in Adana
May 5, 2018
Solar Water Heater on Rooftop © shutterstock.com / easyshoot
Machmoucheh. © Pascale Harb

Solar Water Heaters for the Lebanese Town Machmoucheh

In a partnership with the Lebanese municipality Machmoucheh, EADP has won a new grant to ‎equip all residential buildings in the town with clean access to warm water. The project LCED-Solar ‎Lebanon will provide solar water heaters to the residents and increase the town’s resilience to ‎frequent power outages and increasing electricity tariffs. The project is part of the USAID Lebanon-‎funded BALADI program, which seeks to assist Lebanese municipalities. ‎

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