Solar Water Heaters for the Lebanese Town Machmoucheh
January 28, 2018
Swarm Grids for Yemen – New EADP Discussion Paper Shows the Benefits of Local Power Grids
July 23, 2018
Project Team. © EADP
Project TEAM. © EADP

Solar Fruit Drying Gives New Hope to Women’s Initiative in Adana

As part of the Greening Africa Together (GATo) network, EADP has been part of a project trip to ‎Adana. Over a period of two weeks, we assisted and supervised a group of international students ‎from Germany, Italy, Senegal, DR Congo, Benin, and Turkey in designing, building, and setting up a ‎solar dryer. The machine, constructed and prepared entirely by students, will allow the women’s ‎initiative from Adana’s Sarıçam district to generate new income sources by selling dried fruits and ‎vegetables. ‎

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