Swarm Grids for Yemen – New EADP Discussion Paper Shows the Benefits of Local Power Grids
EADP’s newest discussion paper looks at an innovative approach to electrification. Swarm grids are growing, decentralised power grids that connect existing and privately-owned solar panels and generators to a network where citizens can trade electricity. The study “Simulating the potential of swarm grids for pre-electrified communities - A case study from Yemen” builds on the work undertaken by EADP fellow Martha Hoffmann and EADP director Dawud Ansari on the course of the TU Berlin class “Energy and Development Project”.
The investigation analyses different electrification scenarios and reveals that connecting the existing generation devices to a local grid could four times improve the factual electricity supply. Thus, a limited investment covering connections and smart controllers would already elevate electricity supply in the paper’s case study location “Bayhan A’mas Aljabal” by a substantial level. The study also addresses open questions concerning the technology and outlines the way forward.
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