Solar Fruit Drying Gives New Hope to Women’s Initiative in Adana
May 5, 2018
Experts Foresee the Future of Sustainable Development in Yemen at EADP/DIW Berlin Workshop
March 13, 2019
A light pole. © / Julian Wiskemann
Swarm grid evolution and its potential to improve supply. © Martha Hoffmann, Dawud Ansari

Swarm Grids for Yemen – New EADP Discussion Paper Shows the Benefits of Local Power Grids‎

EADP’s newest discussion paper looks at an innovative approach to electrification. Swarm grids are ‎growing, decentralised power grids that connect existing and privately-owned solar panels and ‎generators to a network where citizens can trade electricity. The study “Simulating the potential ‎of swarm grids for pre-electrified communities - A case study from Yemen” builds on the work ‎undertaken by EADP fellow Martha Hoffmann and EADP director Dawud Ansari on the course of ‎the TU Berlin class “Energy and Development Project”.‎

The investigation analyses different electrification scenarios and reveals that connecting the ‎existing generation devices to a local grid could four times improve the factual electricity supply. ‎Thus, a limited investment covering connections and smart controllers would already elevate ‎electricity supply in the paper’s case study location “Bayhan A’mas Aljabal” by a substantial level. ‎The study also addresses open questions concerning the technology and outlines the way forward. ‎

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