Experts Foresee the Future of Sustainable Development in Yemen at EADP/DIW Berlin Workshop
March 13, 2019
New EADP White Paper Provides a Unique Analysis of Yemen’s Solar Revolution
October 9, 2019
Event preparations. © EADP
The invitation. © EADP

EADP celebrates its achievements with friends and donors at the Ramadan Charity Banquet

This Ramadan, we decided to celebrate with our friends and donors at a charity fundraiser. The ‎Ramadan Charity Banquet 2019 took place at the Museum des Kapitalismus in Berlin. After looking ‎at our achievements and progress over the last years, we invited the audience to look ahead on ‎our future projects – and to share a delicious dinner. EADP will continue to do outstanding work ‎towards supporting, designing, and shaping sustainable development in the Middle East. Thanks ‎to our incredible guests at the banquet, who turned the dinner into an unforgettable evening. ‎After looking back on four successful years, we are now looking forward to far more impact to ‎come. ‎

Ramadan Kareem from EADP!‎

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